Edited by Roy Cook
Opata-Oodham, Mazopiye Wishasha: Writer, Singer, Speaker
The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan warned Tuesday a Florida church's threat to burn copies of the Muslim holy book could endanger U.S. troops in the country and Americans worldwide.
"Images of the burning of a Koran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan -- and around the world -- to inflame public opinion and incite violence," Gen. David Petraeus said. "Were the actual burning to take place, the safety of our soldiers and civilians would be put in jeopardy and accomplishment of the mission would be made more difficult." Our Allies follow the Koran!
Thousands of people protested in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday against a small American church's earlier plan to burn the Muslim holy book, chanting "Death to America" and setting shops and police checkpoints on fire, officials said.
Din Mohammad Darwish, spokesman for the governor of Logar province, said police fired warning shots into the air to prevent the protesters from storming the governor's house. He said no injuries were immediately reported.
He said a highway linking Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan was briefly blocked by the protesters.
Nabi Charkhi, the deputy provincial police chief, said more than 10,000 people took part in the protest in the provincial capital, Puli Alam.
Why Not to burn any book.
* Book burning! Do I really need to say why?
* By not burning a Koran I'm not burning a bridge to communication.
* Burning the Koran because of extremist Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrorists makes no more sense than burning the Bible because of the Ku Klux Klan or Nazis.
* Hatred breeds more hatred and that is not going to solve any of our problems.
* That type of hate-filled religious intolerance has no place anywhere in the world, and is especially abhorrent in a country where religious freedom is one of the pillars of its foundation.
* It's a sacred book to millions of people. We should respect all people's beliefs.
* It will only inflame. I'd like people to understand each other.
Especially today, as we look around at military gatherings, we see many reminders of 9/11. From all reports it is very clear that one individual has accepted responsibility for this despicable act on American homeland: Osama Bin Laden.
Considered the world's foremost terrorist, Osama bin Laden is the leader of a terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda, or "The Base." Bin Laden is the alleged perpetrator of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged part of the Pentagon, and resulted in a plane crash in Pennsylvania. At first, he denied involvement in the attacks, referring to them, through an aide, as "punishment from Allah." In recent years, he has taken responsibility for "inspiring" the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
Bin Laden has been implicated in a string of deadly attacks on the United States and its allies: the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; the 1998 bombings at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed more than 200; and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen. Bin Laden also claims responsibility for a 1993 gunfight that killed 18 U.S. troops in Somalia and the 1996 bombing of the Khobar military complex in Saudi Arabia that left 19 U.S. soldiers dead.
Since then, we have gone here and there in the Middle East. We chased Sadam Hussain and caught him. The President announced we are leaving Iraq after 7 years but after NINE years we are still chasing Osama bin Laden.
Now we are chasing the Taliban. The Taliban, alternative spelling Taleban, is a Sunni Islamist political movement that governed Afghanistan from 1996 until it was overthrown in late 2001. It has regrouped since 2004 and revived as a strong insurgency movement governing mainly local Pashtun areas during the night and fighting a guerrilla war against the governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force.
So, WHOM are we fighting and how can we know if we win or will we continue to just move the war around and look busy?
U.S. suffers deadliest month in 9-year history of Afghanistan war.
Posted on 07/30/2010 03:58:08 AM
Three U.S. service members were killed in blasts in Afghanistan, bringing the toll for July to at least 63 and making it the deadliest month for American forces in the nearly 9-year-war.
At the same time, we are under very difficult financial times in this country. After nine years, it seems that this conflict will remain a side issue. Will this conflict too become an exercise of wanton, bloody foolishness. Many troops, on both sides will continue to be killed. Many will be cruelly maimed and a great number of families will be bitterly unhappy. A great deal of energy, material and treasure will be wasted. Following the money, it was reported that the conflicts are costing this nation 100 billion per year. In this nation, Department of Homeland Security, DHS, is bloated in activities to validate to this nation their need for a lot of money.
Follow the money Map offers details of DHS grant money disbursement since 9/11
Published 5 May 2010
The federal government and, since 2003, DHS have disbursed more than $30 billion in grants to states and localities since the 9/11 attacks; now you can see where each dollar went, and what states and localities did with the money they received; most of the money was used for homeland security-related projects; an uncomfortably large amount, though, was used in a way not as directly related to securing the home front
Since the 9/11 attacks, Congress has allocated roughly $30 billion to states in homeland security grants. Has the money been well spent? The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) has gathered data that allows anyone to follow the money and judge for themselves.
CIR has made available a detailed map of where homeland security dollars have gone state by state.
Since then we still have no honorable answer for Osama. All of WW II took less than 3years and it was a World War on two fronts. We can build walls and catch thousands of Mexican workers. We can fire Generals and replace cabinet members but the moral and financial bill keeps on getting bigger.
This deplorable leadership is the result of both of the Bush’s legacy. Osama is still free and we are buried in debt.

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